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Commun Sci Disord. 2002;7(3): 233-251.
Conceptual Foundations of Relative Service Delivery Systems for Students with Disabilities
Bogseon Hwang` , and Sooj in Kim`
Copyright ©2002 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
황복선(Bogseon Hwang)| 김수진(Sooj in Kim)
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In order to establish a common understanding for making appropriate, related service decisions for students with disabilities and to develop effectively integrated models for related service delivery, this study attempted to (1) explore conceptual frameworks regarding related service delivery issues, (2) to review systematically three exemplary models for integrated related service delivery, and (3) to identify barriers to implementing effective related services and suggest possible solutions that might overcome them. As a result of this study, we found (1) that essential and discretionary related service roles should be determined and recommended based on the individual needs of students with disabilities to maximize the benefits from special education, (2) that, especially, functional outcomes/ enabling roles perceived as the relatively important roles should be applied in educational practices, (3) that the opportunities for appropriate, related services should be provided to all students with disabilities with consideration of overlaps and contradictions among diverse service disciplines regardless of their abilities and environmental conditions, and (4) that a collaborative teamwork approach was the most suitable model for integrated related service delivery to remediate complex and multiple deficits of students with disabilities.
Keywords: 관련서비스 | 언어치료 | 물리치료 | 작업치료 | 사회사업 | 초학문적 모형 | 통합치료 모형
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