Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1): 119-138.
The effect of functional augmentative and alternative communication training for students with severe disabilities: In the context of grocery shopping activity |
Soo Jung Chae`
, and Eun Hye Park`
Copyright ©1999 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology |
채수정(Soo Jung Chae)| 박은혜(Eun Hye Park) |
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Students with severe disabiliites often experience great difficulty in meeting their communicative needs. Recently, researchers have developed augmentative and alternative communication(AAC) as effective means for those with communication problems. In this study, following two questions were addressed: the effect of functional AAC training on the proper communicative behavior of students with severe disabilities and the differential effect of two AAC device(communication board and voice oupput communication aid). Subjects were 4 nonverbal students with severe disabilities who attended in special elementary school. Simple grocery shopping was used for functional AAC training context. Parallel design was used and generalization maintenance effect was examined. The results of this study showed: (1) all 4 subjects acquired the proper communicative behavior through functional AAC training, (2) acquired communicative behaviors were generalized at other two stores, (3) acquired communicative behaviors were maintained 3 weeks after training, (4) There were no difference in communicative behaviors between the subjects using communication board and VOCA. Implications of this study's results were discussed. |