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Commun Sci Disord. 2003;8(2): 15-36.
Cohesion Self-Repairs’ Ability in Narratives of Normal and Learning-Disabled Children in Korea
So Eun Park` , and Young Tae Kim`
Copyright ©2003 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
박소은(So Eun Park)| 김영태(Young Tae Kim)
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The present stud:y inve 얘 gated 'cohesion selr -repairs' or children or SChCKJ age ‘Cohesion sclf rcparrs’ vcrc cxamincd bascd 011 hvo aspccts: (1 ) ‘rcparr attcrnpt ratc’ and (2) ‘r빙air-success rat.e ‘ ThirLy chilc1ren 、、ho 'vvere Lhircl graders of element ,αy school participated in this Shldy. Firteen or them were nOffilally deve10ping and the others had leanling disabiliLies in 1ingl1istic skills in particular ηhe investigator 셔lOwec1 !hem S shorl cartoon fi1ms in a fL'{od ordcr. iftcr thc prcscntation of thc fi1ms, cach subjcct was askα, 1 !o 떠1 !he s !ories aboul !hese fi1ms‘ 퍼1 narralives lhey produced were recorded and transcribec1. Arter trans(여 bing the data, the investigator discrirninated behveen ‘rep31T attcmpt’ and 'rcpair succcss' and thcn, calculatcd thc rcpair attcmpt ratc and rcpaÍr success rale. T-les!‘ reρeuted measure, and post.-hoc test 、、ere aclminis!ercl !o !he results of thc tcst and statistical1γ s~gnificant cliffcrcnccs in 'rcparr attcmpt ratc’ and ‘rcparr success rate' depencling on Lhe groups ancl the cat.egories of cohesion (referential cohesioll, ellipsis‘ leÀlcal cohesion and conjunction) "verf; investigated. The re‘;1Jlts can be sUHnna-nzed as follows: (1) No s;gnificant group diffcrc11ccs wcrc found 011 thc tota1 ratcs of cohc 익 1011 repair-aLten1pL, buL compured \'iLh the averages of re:αlπ a!Lemρt raLe of each ω,hesion categorγ, leanling-di써b1ed chi1dren shoγed a higher rate or conjL.mction repair-atteTl1lJt than nonnal d피dren, and élmong oLher cat.egories, nom1,tl children shovε:enmental and contr01 group in vord recognition ability, sh( 끼;ving signi ricantl:,l higher perfoπnance 1Tl the fonner gTOtllJ; (2) According to the error-type analysis bγ the oral re1.=tding classirication s:ystern, the llumber of errors vas de(γeased bγ Tl10re th센 1 50 % to 70 % in OHllssions, reversals-, substitutions, no reSIJOllSe, and insertions-, except ror the miSIJTOnUnciation; and (3) According to the eπor-tηJe anal:ysis bγ the dec、oding classirication systern, the TltlTl1ber or errors vas round to decrease bγ more than 60 Il/~ to 80 % in rinal-consonant existence/non-existence, sv11ab1e 1ocation, 센 ld consonant/vove1 identirication, except ror initia1 에 na1 consonant identi rication and phono1ogica1 ch센 1ge. Tn conc111sion, the data generated b:y the present stlld:y indicated that phono1ogica1 a、、rarene 닝 s training is a re1iab1e altcrnativc tcaching rncthod to in1provc thc pCrrOrnk111CC on vord rccognition qualitatiγdy as 、vcll as quantit.ativclγ
Keywords: 자기발화수정 | 결속표지 | 수정시도율 | 수정성공률 | 자기감시 | 학령기 | 이야기회상하기
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The Fast Mapping Abilities of Korean Hearing Impaired Children  2004 ;9(2)
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Department of Speech-Language Pathology,
Korea Nazarene University, 48 Wolbong-ro, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan 31172, Korea

Tel: +82-502-196-1996   Fax: +82-53-359-6780   E-mail: kjcd@kasa1986.or.kr

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