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Commun Sci Disord. 2002;7(1): 130-154.
An Interjudge Reliability Study on the Subtypes of SSI-3
Hyun Sub Sim` , and Eun Ju Lee`
Copyright ©2002 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
심현섭(Hyun Sub Sim)| 이은주(Eun Ju Lee)
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The purpose of this article is to address what variables influence the reliability of stut - tering evaluation. This is a preliminary study for the development of stuttering evaluation instrument . For this, SSI- 3 (Riley, 1994) was conducted by several judges and researcher s on the same subject s in order to find out the extent to which the severity evaluations regarding three subtypes (frequency, duration, physical concommitant ) yield agreement between the judges and the researcher s, and whether or not the agreement level changes according to the subject s. The result s of the experiment s are as follows: the percentages of agreement s of severity rating on each subject were found to be different : subject 1 (child), 60 %; subject 2 (adult ), 22 %. The ranges of score discrepancy between judges and researcher s are as follows: frequency score (subject 1: - 2∼-4, subject 2: - 1∼- 2); duration score(subject 1: 0∼6, subject 2: 0∼7). For subject 2, the duration score was the significant variable that influenced the overall severity rating. On the other hand, for subject 1, the physical concommitant score was found to be the more influential variable than the duration score.
Keywords: 말더듬평가 신뢰도 | 평가자간 일치율 | 말더듬 정도 | SSI-3
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Language Ability to Predict Subtypes of Speech Sound Disorder  2022 September;27(3)
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