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Commun Sci Disord. 2011;16(3): 276-294.
Reliability and Validity of a Test of Reading Achievement and Reading Psychological Processes: Focusing on Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheongnam-do
Ae Hwa Kim` , Ui Jung Kim` , Hyun Sil Yoo` , and Mina Hwang`
Copyright ©2011 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
김애화(Ae Hwa Kim)| 김의정(Ui Jung Kim)| 유현실(Hyun Sil Yoo)| 황민아(Mina Hwang)
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Background & Objectives
Regardless of language and orthography, similar variables that predict reading achievement have been identified. In the past 10 years, several studies have examined variables that predict reading achievement and have developed reading tests. However, there is no standardized reading test that measures reading achievement in three areas of reading (i.e., word recognition, reading fluency, and reading comprehension) as well as the psychological process variables underlying reading achievement in these areas. Thus, the purpose of this study was to develop a reading test that measures reading achievement and psychological processes in these three areas and to examine its reliability and validity.
Through extensive literature and existing test review with a preliminary study, a reading test consisting of reading achievement and psychological processes was developed. Standardization testing was conducted with 511 students to examine reliability and validity.
The results of internal consistency reliability and the standard error of measurement demonstrated satisfactory reliability. Specifically, the results demonstrated high internal consistency reliability and a low standard error of measurement. The results of content validity, construct validity, and concurrent validity demonstrated satisfactory validity. Content validity was obtained by a literature review and related tests. Confirmative factor analysis showed that word recognition, reading fluency, and reading comprehension were independent reading areas. Psychological process variables underlying word recognition, reading fluency, and reading comprehension were selected based on the results of multiple regression analysis. Regarding concurrent validity, significant correlations were found between the word recognition subtest and the KISE BAAT decoding subtest and between the reading comprehension subtest and the KISE BAAT comprehension subtest. Discussion & Conclusions: Results were discussed in terms of the value of the test in identifying students’ instructional needs and serving as a diagnostic test for reading disabilities. Results were summarized and the study limitations were discussed.
Keywords: 읽기 성취 | 읽기 심리처리 | 단어인지 | 읽기유창성 | 읽기이해 | 읽기장애 | reading achievement
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