Commun Sci Disord. 2010;15(3): 381-396.
The Roles of Nonlinguistic Statistical Learning and Memory in Language Skill |
Dongsun Yim`
, and Jennifer Windsor`
Copyright ©2010 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology |
Dongsun Yim(임동선)|Jennifer Windsor(제니퍼 윈저) |
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Background & Objectives Statistical learning of transitional probabilities is a basic mechanism that may influence language performance. This study investigated whether nonlinguistic statistical learning can predict language performance as well as the role of memory as a potential mediating link between statistical learning and language performance. Methods Participants included 20 typically achieving, school-aged children and 20 adults who completed auditory and visual statistical learning tasks and related memory tasks. Participants also completed tasks that assessed acquired language knowledge (grammatical judgment and a standardized language test) and language processing efficiency (rapid naming and non-word repetition). Results Nonlinguistic statistical learning ability significantly contributed to language performance, illustrating the general learning mechanism underlying both linguistic and nonlinguistic domains. Statistical learning contributed no significant variance after memory to performance in the language processing tasks. Conversely, statistical learning but not memory performance was a significant predictor of performance in the language knowledge tasks. The results illustrate the important roles of both memory and statistical learning in language performance. Discussion & Conclusion The results indicate that statistical learning appears to be more directly associated with language tasks that emphasize complex semantic and grammatical knowledge learned over time rather than language tasks that emphasize access and retrieval of less complex linguistic information. Additionally, statistical learning operates similarly across modalities, and memory is an important component of real time learning. (Korean Journal of Communication Disorders 2010;15;381-396) |
비언어정보 | 통계적 학습 | 언어지식 | 언어처리과정 | 기억력 | nonlinguistic statistical learning | language knowledge |