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Commun Sci Disord. 2010;15(3): 321-336.
The Expository Writing Abilities of School-Aged Children
Eun-Ju Ahn` , and Jung-Mee Kim`
Copyright ©2010 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
안은주(Eun-Ju Ahn)|김정미(Jung-Mee Kim)
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Background & Objectives
School-aged children are exposed to more various discourse situations than are preschoolers. In addition, with a higher grade level, more writing tasks are required. The present study examined school-aged children’s expository writing ability with regard to productivity, syntactic complexity, lexical diversity, and accuracy.
A total of 60 typically developing elementary students were recruited from the areas of Kyonggido and Seoul. After watching the documentary film “Red Kangaroo,” the students were asked to write expository texts related to the film. The written materials were analyzed for the number of total T-units, TNW, MLT-w, the number of subordinate clauses per T-unit, NDW, and grammatical and spelling errors.
Results showed that, as the children’s grade level increased, the total number of T-units, TNW, MLT-w, the number of embedded clauses per T-unit, and NDW increased. But statistical difference was varied according to the measurement among groups. Additionally, the results showed that spelling error rate per T-unit was dramatically decreased in the 4th grade, and that grammatical error rate per T-unit was increased in the 6th grade.
Discussion & Conclusion
The results showed that developmental writing patterns were different in each grade. In order to assess a student’s overall writing ability, qualitative analyses of the writing structure and words are necessary. (Korean Journal of Communication Disorders 2010;15;321-336)
Keywords: 설명담화 | 쓰기 | 산출성 | 구문 복잡성 | 어휘사용 | 정확도 | expository writing
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Department of Speech-Language Pathology,
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