Commun Sci Disord. 2008;13(3): 418-437.
Early Literacy Development in Korean Children Aged Three to Five Years |
Young-Tae Kim`
, Linda JLombardino`
, Eunhye Park`
, and So Hyun Lee`
Copyright ©2008 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology |
김영태(Young-Tae Kim)| Linda J. Lombardino(린다 롬바르디노)| 박은혜(Eunhye Park)| 이소현(So Hyun Lee) |
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Background & Objectives While the identification of reading deficits in Korean children are being identified much more frequently, very little data are available on the developmental early literacy skills of preschool Korean children, making it difficult to identify these children before they enter school. Methods One hundred eighty normal children between 3 and 5 years participated in the present study. These were grouped into six chronological age groups with six month intervals. They were equally balanced for gender. The experimental materials were consisted of the early literacy skill tasks known as powerful predictable variables for reading disorders. Results Results of the present study showed that (1) there was no difference by sex in all tasks; (2) there were significant effects of age for the preliteracy skills; (3) children learned nonsense syllable reading faster than letter naming; (4) phonological awareness skills began to appear around 4 years of age, and it makes great strides 5 years of age; (5) phonological awareness seemed to develop from simple (distinction) to more complex (segmentation) tasks; (6) phonological awareness development first began from the syllable level, and then goes on to the phoneme level. Discussion & Conclusion Results of the present study would provide the basic data for identifying reading disorders early. Since variables in early literacy skills, which may predict reading disorders, are diverse, it is necessary to apply appropriate age-related tasks and standards in order to identify children at risk for reading. |
초기읽기기술 | 읽기장애 | 음운인식 | early literacy skills | reading disorders | phonological awareness |