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Commun Sci Disord. 2007;12(1): 1-15.
Age-Dependent Story Retelling Abilities in Preschoolers
Kisoon Kim` , Jicheol Shin` , Ki Hak Lee` , and Soyeong Pae`
Copyright ©2007 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
김기순(Kisoon Kim)| 신지철(Jicheol Shin)| 이기학(Ki Hak Lee)| 배소영(Soyeong Pae)
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The purpose of the study was to evaluate story retelling abilities of preschool children.
The participants comprised 60 preschoolers aged 4 to 6 years. Two Korean stories written by Soyeong Pae, “The Swing Story” and “The Ball Story” were used. We showed the story cards to the children, told a story corresponding to the cards, and asked the children to retell the story after removing the cards. The total scores of story grammar, MLC-w(Mean Length of C-units by words), and MLC-m(Mean Length of C-units by morphemes) were compared to determine differences in story retelling performance according to age. Results &
The total scores for story grammar, MLC-w, and MLC-m significantly increased with age. The use of story grammar and MLC are considered effective measure of children’s story intelligibility. Implications for future study were discussed.
Keywords: 이야기 | 학령전기 아동 | 회상 산출 | 이야기문법 | 평균절길이(MLC) | preschooler | story retelling
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