Commun Sci Disord. 2005;10(1): 82-96.
The Development of the 'Test of Articulation for Children': Concurrent Validity |
Min Jung Kim`
, So Yeong Pae`
, and Seong Eun Lee`
Copyright ©2005 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology |
김민정(Min Jung Kim)| 배소영(So Yeong Pae)| 이성은(Seong Eun Lee) |
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The purpose of this study was to develop the ‘Test of Articulation for Children(TAC)’ that measures articulatory and phonological development for children and to examine its concurrent validity. 'TAC' investigates 70 speech sounds. These items were selected by examining the characteristics, development and frequency of Korean consonants in order to test the 19 Korean consonants in various phonetic contexts. A total of 70 speech sounds were elicited through 37 words that preschool children could spontaneously produce. Thirty normal developing children from the age of 3 to 5 participated in the concurrent validity test. We compared the percentage of consonants correct(PCC) of ‘TAC’ with that of the ‘picture articulation test’ and the spontaneous speech. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient was .92 with the PCC of the ‘picture articulation test’, and .91 with the PCC of spontaneous speech. In addition, the PCCs of plosives, nasals, affricates, liquids, and fricatives of ‘TAC’ had statistically significant correlations with those of the spontaneous speech. This result showed that ‘TAC’ is a valid tool in diagnosing children with articulatory and phonological disorders, and that it could become a useful tool in the application to spontaneous speech. |
‘아동용 조음검사’ | 공인타당도 | 자음정확도 | Test of Articulation for Children(TAC) | concurrent validity | percentage of consonants correct |