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Commun Sci Disord. 2003;8(2): 78-92.
The Effects of Reading Picture-Storybooks on the Reading Attitude, Interests, and Vocabulary of Hearing-Impaired Children
Seong Ok Won` , and Jong Rea Won`
Copyright ©2003 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
원성옥(Seong Ok Won)| 원종례(Jong Rea Won)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of reading picture-storybooks on the reading attitude, interests, and vocabulary of hearing-impaired children. The subjects were twenty children who were four or five years of age with hearing-impairement. The children were randomly divided into two groups. The children in one group were trained with scheduled activities of picture story-book reading and the children in the other group were simply encouraged to read the same story book twice a week for five weeks, 10 hours in total. The results of the experiment could be summarized as follows: First, the group for scheduled activities improved their reading attitude and interest in reading more than the children in the other group, which was significantly different. Second, the effect on vocabulary learning was not significant statistically between the two groups.
Keywords: 청각장애 | 그림동화책 | 읽기태도 | 읽기흥미 | hearing impaired | picture-storybooks | reading attitude
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