Commun Sci Disord. 2002;7(2): 1-23.
Content and Reliability Analyses of the Sequenced Language Scale for Infants (SELSI) |
Young Tae Kim`
Copyright ©2002 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology |
김영태(Young Tae Kim) |
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This study was designed to analyze the content and reliability of the SELSI (Sequenced Language Scale for Infant s ). The SELSI has been developed to assess 4- to 35- month - old infant s receptive and expressive language abilities through the parent s report . Items of the SELSI were developed on the bases of the language development and disorder literature and the two pilot studies, using 326 normal children. In addition, 1090 normal children served as the participant s for the normative data. Using the baseline and ceiling sy stem, SELSI screens the infant s who are at risk of language disorder s. T he items of the SELSI were arranged based on (1) difficulty level, (2) % of correct respon ses, and (3) discriminative level for the equivalent age. T here was no sex difference among the items. For reliability analy ses , internal reliability and test - retest reliability were calculated. Cronbach a in both receptive and expressive language test s were .99. Correlations between the fir st and second test s with one week interval in 14 participant s were .99 in both receptive and expressive language tests. |
영유아 언어검사 | SELSI | 부모보고 | 신뢰도 | 문항분석 |