Commun Sci Disord. 2001;6(1): 1-16.
A Study of Expressive Vocabulary of Korean Children at 1;1- 2;7 Years of Age |
Eunhee Choi`
, Sangkyu Seo`
, and Soyoung Pae`
Copyright ©2001 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology |
최은희(Eunhee Choi)| 서상규(Sangkyu Seo)| 배소영(Soyoung Pae) |
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The main purpos es of this s tudy ar e to inves tigate the mean number of vocabulary of Korean childr en aged 1;1- 2 ;6, us ing the par ent r epor t , and to examine which hypothes is the ear ly vocabulary acquis ition of Kor ean childr en s uppor ts , either language - univers ality hypothes is or language - specificity hypothes is . One hundr ed and eighty s ubjects , aged 1;1 to 2 ;6, s ectioned in s ix gr oups with age - intervals of thr ee months , par ticipated in the s tudy . We ex amined the mean numbers of vocabulary items and the pr oduction pr opor tions in terms of age incr eas e. The r atio of nouns as agains t that of pr edicates was als o inves tigated. The r es ults showed that noun spur t was fas ter than that of pr edicates . The total number of nouns and their pr opor tions to total wor ds wer e far gr eater than thos e of verbs in all age gr oups. It was als o found that the pr opor tions of nouns wer e mor e than 50% r elative to the pr opor tions of verbs. The r es ults of the s tudy definitely s uppor ted the language - univers ality hypothes is. |