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Comparison of Remote-Audiovisual Teaching and Face-to-Face Teaching on Factors Causing Teacher’s Voice Problems and Subjective Voice Evaluation
Ji Hang Jung, Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2023;28(2):327-339.   Published online June 30, 2023   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.23956
Responsiveness of the Absolute Error of Estimated Speaking Fundamental Frequency (AEF0) after Surgical Intervention of Voice Disorders
Seung Jin Lee, Jaeock Kim, Jae-Yol Lim
Commun Sci Disord. 2022;27(4):894-906.   Published online December 31, 2022   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.22930
Comparison of Acoustic and Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation in Sustained Vowel and Connected Speech by Glottal Closure Pattern in Voice Disorders
Eun-Jung Lee, Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2020;25(3):738-749.   Published online September 30, 2020   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.20710
Clinical Usefulness of Estimated Speaking Fundamental Frequency Using the Voice and Speech Range Profiles in Voice Disorders
Seung Jin Lee, Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2020;25(2):480-488.   Published online June 30, 2020   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.20727
Recognition and Strengthening of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Status among Special Education Teachers and Speech-Language Pathologists for School-aged Children with Disabilities in School Settings
Jiyeon Lee, Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2020;25(2):363-381.   Published online June 30, 2020   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.20716
Discriminating the Validity of Speech Mechanism Screening Test for Children for Children with Speech Sound Disorders: A ROC Curve Analysis
Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2019;24(4):1026-1039.   Published online December 31, 2019   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.19674
Meta-Analysis of Semi-Occluded Vocal Track Exercise Studies on Acoustic, Aerodynamic, and Electroglottographic Results
Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2019;24(2):535-551.   Published online June 30, 2019   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.19619
A Study on Use Status and Subsidy Appropriateness of Developmental Rehabilitation Service in Speech-Language Therapy for Disabled Children: Parental Survey
Jaeock Kim, Taewoo Kim, Jo-Young Lee, Kyunghee Jung
Commun Sci Disord. 2018;23(4):1127-1145.   Published online December 31, 2018   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.18566
A Nationwide Survey on Clinical Curricula and Practica in Speech-Language Pathology Educational Programs in Korea
Jaeock Kim, Seong Hee Choi, HyangHee Kim, Son A Chang, Hyo Jung Kim, BoMyung Hwang, Hyun Rin Park, Hee-June Park
Commun Sci Disord. 2018;23(3):807-828.   Published online September 30, 2018   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.18510
National Survey on Curriculum of Speech-Language Pathology Programs in Korea
Hyun Rin Park, BoMyung Hwang, HyangHee Kim, Son A Chang, Seong Hee Choi, Jaeock Kim, Hyo Jung Kim, HeeJune Park
Commun Sci Disord. 2018;23(3):788-806.   Published online September 30, 2018   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.18509
Job Searching and Postings for Speech Language Pathologists in Korea
Son A Chang, Hyo Jung Kim, HyangHee Kim, Seong Hee Choi, BoMyung Hwang, Hee-June Park, Hyun Rin Park, Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2018;23(2):506-518.   Published online June 30, 2018   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.18511
Speech Mechanism Screening Test for Children: An Evaluation of Performance in 3- to 12-Year-Old Normal Developing Children
Jaeock Kim, Moonja Shin, Yun Kyung Song
Commun Sci Disord. 2018;23(1):180-197.   Published online March 31, 2018   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.17451
Idiom Comprehension of Middle School Students with Reading Comprehension Difficulty
Hyeonju Song, Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2016;21(2):217-229.   Published online June 30, 2016   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.15270
Nasalance Scores of Normal Hearing Children of Deaf Adults and Normal Hearing Adults: Longitudinal Study
Jaeock Kim, Minhee Seo
Commun Sci Disord. 2015;20(2):202-213.   Published online June 30, 2015   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.15227
Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perceptions of the Importance, Difficulty, and Frequency of Their Duties and Tasks
Young Tae Kim, Hyunjoo Choi, Min Jung Kim, Jaeock Kim, Heesook Jeon, Taiwoo Kim, Minkyung Kang
Commun Sci Disord. 2015;20(1):97-105.   Published online March 31, 2015   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.14184
Acoustic Characteristics of Speech Sounds in Normal Hearing Children of Deaf Parents
Mi-Jung Kim, Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2013;18(1):107-115.   Published online March 30, 2013   DOI: https://doi.org/10.12963/csd.13011
Fundamental Frequency, Closed Quotient, Jitter, and Shimmer of Vowels on Electroglottography
Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2011;16(4):449-459.
The Effect of Perceptual Training on the Reliability of Voice Quality Evaluation
Young-a Lee, Hyung-Tae Kim, Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2010;15(4):526-536.
Standardization of the Korean Token Test for Children (KTC)
Moonja Shin, Jaeock Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 2010;15(2):135-145.
Comparison of Clinicians’ Perceptual Evaluations and Patients’ Subjective Evaluations of Voice Disorders
Jaeock Kim, Hong-Shik Choi
Commun Sci Disord. 2009;14(2):223-235.
Preliminary Study on the Development Korean-Subjective Screening of Stuttering-Revised
Jaeock Kim, Moon-ja Shin
Commun Sci Disord. 2007;12(3):465-486.
Effects of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training with the Healthy Elderly on Speech
Jaeock Kim, Christine M Sapienza
Commun Sci Disord. 2006;11(2):1-16.
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Volume29 No. 4
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Journal Impact Factor 0.4
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Department of Speech-Language Pathology,
Korea Nazarene University, 48 Wolbong-ro, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan 31172, Korea

Tel: +82-502-196-1996   Fax: +82-53-359-6780   E-mail: kjcd@kasa1986.or.kr

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